The Father Says Today: January 15th, 2014

DSC07424The Father says today that revelation in your spirit will transcend information in your mind – if you will allow it. Do not allow yourself to be conformed by the natural mind but rather transformed by the mind of My Spirit that resides within you. Your mind is INFORMATIONAL and bounded by inadequacy and imperfection. My mind within you is TRANSFORMATIONAL, unbounded and limitless. You have heard the exhortation “take the limits off of God.” I say to you today that I am not limited in any way and you also will neither be limited nor bounded as you allow your mind to be washed and cleansed from all that originates from fear, unbelief and negative expectations.
Your past, your experiences and social conditioning shape your mind and present you with a daily subset of limitation, restriction and inadequacy. This is the information that arises from the five senses and the rational mind. This day I invite you to set aside sense-ruled assessments and soar with Me to the heights where the impossible is not only plausible but inevitable. What man calls impossibility and fantasy is the natural state where I create, craft and release destiny, provision, healing and deliverance by My hand. This is where answered prayer originates and there are parcels of the miraculous being released now with your address on the shipping details. So rejoice says the Father and expect for I am ruling Myself into your circumstances and as you trust and obey and yield to Me the answers you seek will be made manifest.
What Others are Saying:
This was a timely and helpful word. Thank you so much for being God’s instrument in using the gift God has given you for relaying such vital information to His children.

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Other Comments

  • Fiona Auld says:

    Thank you Russell for the confirmation I needed. I’ve been surrounded with negativity for some time now and I’d started fighting back by removing myself from those negative situations and people and spending more time with The Lord which is what is needed to get right with The Lord .

  • Bettie Morgan-Coffey says:

    Thank you FATHER-GOD for this inspired message. I pray that I will always hear your voice and another voice i will not listen to. I trust, obey and yield myself to the Holy Spirit. Thank you for answered prayers in JESUS’ NAME…AMEN.