The Father Says Today: December 25th, 2014

dpw-150The Father says today that My intent is to bring you to highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled. You engage with My intentionality by magnifying who I AM in your situation instead of obsessively focusing on the negative circumstances or pessimistic people you have allowed within your boundaries. It is important to choose your friends wisely says the Father. Evil associations corrupt chaste behavior. Hanging out with negative, pessimistic, sarcastic people will not lead you to My peace or My joy. What are you doing says the Father? Where do you think anxiety and fear come from? Guard your heart and your mind by surrounding yourself with those that are calling you up to joy and up to peace and up to victory and the thrill of leaping over the rail and walking on water with all your friends cheering you on!
If the people around you aren’t cheering you on and encouraging you to think like a water walker then maybe you should reassess the circles you run in. Maturity is not about being negative and calling it pragmatism. Let this be a signature moment for you says the Father and make a choice to have a perspective of My purpose that is not earth bound. He that sits in the heavens shall laugh. When you live life from that seat in the high places you laugh and overflow with joy at things that earthbound people run screaming in terror from. Ba ha ha! If you are not laughing you are surrendering. Reject the white noise of faithless counselors. Lay aside the insecurity and find your solace and your peace and your PACE in Me says the Father and I will fast track you to your personal promised land.

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