The Father Says Today: August 23rd, 2013

DSC03028 copyThe Father says today that you are not a consumer but a producer in My kingdom. I am producing My peace within you. I am producing My joy within you. You are a fruitful branch says the Father. Let this realization wash over you and cause you to see within yourself that which I see within you. It is now high time to reject the lack mentality and the denial mentality of fallen man in your thinking. I declare to you this day that you come behind in no gift. You are denied no not on a single score.
Those who have sought to explain why your answers are not forthcoming are asking the wrong questions. When you ask the wrong questions you cannot help but come up with wrong answers. So open your heart to the reality of who I AM and what I have purposed to be in your life. Come to Me as a child, even a suckling babe and draw out from My faithfulness the manifest demonstration of My fidelity to heal and save and deliver you even this day to the very fullest extent.

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Other Comments

  • Amen. May God continue to richly Bless you, for you are serving your purpose purposefully. I pray that you pray for me fro God to reveal the gift in me, for God to use me like he wants to. I pray that I see with the naked eye of the spirit and not with the human vision. I pray that I’m set free from the evil plots and for my blessings and success to manifest according to his will. I pray for a job, so I can help those who need me and my family through this financial strain we going through. I have faith and know his a faithful and loving God. Amen