The Father Says Today: August 5th, 2018

The Father says today, if you want to know My secrets you must come into the secret place. The narrative that begins with fanfare and trumpets is only part of the story. The foundations that move heaven and earth are in the deep areas of My Spirit where many will not go and few who […]


The Father Says Today: August 4th, 2018

The Father says today, maturity now will bring happiness later. There is nothing mature about walking around with a sour expression on your face and a wrinkled brow. The only wrinkles I want to see on your face are the laugh lines of joy unspeakable and full of glory. My people have erred when they […]


Morning Light – Acts 13: The Ecclesia Manifests!

Source: Today: [Acts 13:] The Ecclesia Manifests! In Acts 13 we see the rise of the Ecclesia that Jesus prophesied about in Matt. 16:18. The Ecclesia of Jesus day is an entirely different thing than the church as we know it. In Antioch when the believers conducted themselves as an Ecclesia, the history and […]


The Father Says Today: August 3rd, 2018

The Father says today, you are waiting for the watershed moment that changes everything and it is right in front of you. You don’t have to do anything DIFFERENT, you just have to keep doing what you are doing and DON’T QUIT. Don’t get weary in well doing. Don’t get exasperated or walk away. You […]


Morning Light – Acts 12: How to Loose a Man of God

Source: Today: [Acts 12:]How to Loose a Man of God: Do you pray for your pastor or spiritual leader? When your prayers are absent, your leader will be like Peter, bound and in prison. When you pray unceasingly for your leadership, angels get involved to see them get free and be set at liberty […]


The Father Says Today: August 2nd, 2018

The Father says today, let your subjection to My will be the only thing in your life that remains unchanging. Circumstances change, relationships change, but My faithfulness is ever the same. Anchor yourself in Me and hold everything else loosely. Assignments begin and end. Doors of opportunity will open and close. Things that you thought […]


Morning Light – Acts 11: A Tale of Two Cities

Source: Today: [Acts 11:] A Tale of Two Cities: In Acts 11 we are introduced to the community of believers in the city of Antioch. Up to now, Jerusalem dominates the Acts narrative. Now we will see how Antioch figures prominently in Christian history. The apostle Paul began his ministry there. They were first […]


Breakthrough Prophetic Word for August 2018

This is the breakthrough prophetic word for August 2018 from Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden. To request prophetic ministry over your life visit us at It is our honor the wash your feet in the prophetic. We want to be the prophets in your life! Transcription: “…The Father says today that this entire month […]


The Father Says Today: August 1st, 2018

The Father says today, when you know your authority in Me, you will not respond to personal provocations. The level of authority you walk in is connected to your refusal to get offended. When Shimei threw stones at David My servant, he refused to get insulted. He would not let others defend him but looked […]