The Father Says Today: August 27th, 2018

The Father says today, all that My kingdom is or ever will be is on the inside of you. You cannot discover My domain in time, space or a structural universe. My instructions are for you to pray “as in heaven so on earth…” When heaven comes to earth in your life, you will be […]


Join Prophets Russ and Kitty in Sterling, VA – Sept. 21-25

Join Prophets Russ and Kitty in Sterling, VA with Apostle Ricardo Watson Sept. 21-25th! Have you ever witnessed an activated apostle with a validated prophet ministering in total sync by the Holy Ghost? This is a rare thing and will change your life. You are invited to the PREVAIL leadership conference in September with guest […]


Morning Light – Acts 26: Paul Answers to King Agrippa

Source: Today: [Acts 26:] Paul Answers to King Agrippa: In Acts 26 Paul is dragged in chains out before King Agrippa to break the boredom of a long afternoon. As Paul begins to speak the presence of God fills the room as the souls of men including Agrippa are weighed in the balances as […]


The Father Says Today: August 26th, 2018

The Father says today, I form light and I create darkness. Work while it is day, for the night comes when no man can work. You struggle and put forth vain effort because you don’t always discern the season you are in. There is such a thing as the “day of the Lord,” and there […]


The Father Says Today: August 25th, 2018

The Father says today, prepare to take risks. Stepping out in faith into everyday circumstances equates to risk. You want change and desire things to get better but waiting and watching will not make anything different. Know this, that risk alone is mere foolishness, but dangers braved in faith bring My Spirit and My grace […]


Morning Light – Acts 27: Paul Faces Shipwreck

Today: [Acts 27:] Today: [Acts 27:] Paul Faces Shipwreck: Have you ever faced shipwreck of your life? Sometimes you find yourself in a worsening situation and don’t know what to do. Paul listens to the voice of God, and as a result, he is spared along with 200 others. In this chapter, we learn the […]


The Father Says Today: August 24th, 2018

The Father says today, hindrances are being removed. Hindrances are being taken out of the way, but it is up to you to walk around them. Choose to be forward-looking and not bound by the past. There will always be distractions tempting you to look away from what I am saying and what I am […]


The Father Says Today: August 23rd, 2018

The Father says today, My kingdom is motion activated. It does not come with observation or passive expectation. Waiting and waiting for things to get better without corresponding action has nothing to do with the patience of the saints. I have called you to patient continuance in well DOING. Don’t fall for the lie that […]


Morning Light – Acts 25: Paul Appeals to Caesar and Meets King Agrippa

Source: Today: [Acts 25:] Paul Appeals to Caesar and Meets King Agrippa: After Paul is held for trial before Governor Felix he then falls victim to the consequence of regime change as Festus comes to power in Felix place. Festus attempts to deliver Paul to the Jews, but Paul appeals to Caesar. Before departing […]


The Father Says Today: August 22nd, 2018

The Father says today, when the pain of staying is greater than the pain of leaving – it is time for you to go. I place no premium on suffering, says the Father, in spite of the protestations of the uninformed otherwise. The cost of Calvary was paid in full to alleviate pain, not to […]